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Receiving a Positive Pregnancy Test - There are Options


Written by Kate Collins she/her

Illustration by Charlotte Clarke she/her


Receiving a positive pregnancy test may result in an abundance of different feelings, this is absolutely normal, there are many options for you.



1. Pills by Post

- Contact BPAS (UK excluding NI – 03457 30 40 30, NI – 0300 500 8086)

- Most women are eligible for NHS funded treatment (97% of the time, this option is funded), upon the call to discuss booking and further details, this can be confirmed. The call will entail a medical assessment, to ensure this option is suitable and a confirmation of consent. If you are eligible, and decide this is the best option for you, the pills will arrive by post within a few days. If this option is not available, you have the opportunity to discuss other options, including a treatment within a clinic. Look at the relevant links to check out these options. It is important to fill out the ‘self-assessment checklist’ found on the BPAS website (linked below) to confirm the success of the treatment.

2. In Clinic Pill

- Contact BPAS (UK excluding NI – 03457 30 40 30, NI – 0300 500 8086)

- Suitable for up to 24 weeks gestation. After 10 weeks, this must occur in clinic, unlike the pills by post system. Up to ten weeks, alike the pills by post system, mifepristone and misoprostol are required, both of which are extremely effective, uncomplicated and safe. Further information on what option is most suitable for you can be found out by calling or checking out the BPAS website and contacting your GP.

3. Surgery

- Contact BPAS (UK excluding NI – 03457 30 40 30, NI – 0300 500 8086)

- This involves a minor operation, and comes in two forms, each with different time requirements. Dilation and evacuation is typically performed between 15 to 24 weeks, and you will be under general anaesthetic. Vacuum aspiration may occur up to 15 weeks, the times of which result in different forms of anaesthetic. Both options may be discussed with the BPAS (linked below), appointments can be made over the phone in which you will find out your nearest clinic, further descriptions of the treatments, aftercare, and side effects.


- NHS Funding Eligibility – 03457 30 40 30

- Marie Stopes UK 24h Advice Line – UK excluding NI – 0345 300 8090, NI – 0333 234 2184, ROI – 1 800 200 374, International - +44 (0) 1454 457 542.

- Abortion Rights Important Information -

- Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Procedure Explanation -


Proceeding with Pregnancy

1. Adoption

- If you proceed with pregnancy and are considering adoption, the Citizens Advice Bureau can be used to find out the relevant services in your area. Many organisations offer support to birth parents, useful information can be found through links listed below.

- Citizens Advice Bureau – UK

- Gov.UK Advice on Adoption

- Family Rights Group Helpline – 0808 801 0366

- Birthlink (Scotland) offers support and counselling for birth parents -

- British Association of Adoption and Fostering -

2. Parenthood

- If you choose to proceed with pregnancy and raise the child, there are many services you should be aware of. You can find this information linked below, on the NHS website and through your GP. Free antenatal care is offered to all across the UK, this is arranged through your GP and may take place in your home, a hospital, GP surgery or a children’s centre. These appointments are an opportunity to inform those able to help if you are a victim of domestic, sexual or violent abuse, and female genital mutilation. If you feel unable to inform you GP or midwife this information, the links below offer contact information for the relevant support clinics.

- You may be entitled to many financial benefits check out the links below to see what. Alongside financial benefits, you can make use of free dental care and prescriptions throughout pregnancy, this also applies 12 months post birth.

- Check out the links below to construct your birth plan, learn about labour and what to expect.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, these decisions should always be based upon what is best for you. If you find yourself in a situation where you feel pressured to make a decision you are uncomfortable with, know that it is your body, and should always be your choice. If you feel this is the case, please contact these support lines. It is important to mention that regardless of your situation, you may want anonymous support and advice – don’t hesitate to reach out and know there are many options. You are not alone <3


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